Residential Roof Replacement

When was your last roof inspection

Deciding Between Roof Repair and Replacement

At Major League Roofing, we understand the dilemma homeowners face when deciding whether to repair or replace their roof. Catastrophic storm damage isn’t always the culprit for roof issues, and it’s not always clear which route to take. If you notice visible damage from the ground, it’s crucial to consider emergency services, and remember, we’re here to provide immediate tarping services post-storm.

Choosing us for your residential roof replacement means:

  • Expert Evaluation: We assess your roof’s condition meticulously.
  • Material and System Guidance: We help you choose the best options for both aesthetics and functionality.
  • Property Protection: Your home and belongings are safe with us.
  • Flawless Replacement and Cleanup: We ensure top-quality work and leave no mess behind.
  • Warranty and Protection: Benefit from our industry-leading warranties.

Residential Roof Replacement in the Carolina’s: A Major League Roofing Specialty

Delaying roof maintenance can lead to severe issues. Our team at Major League Roofing is trained and experienced, ready to offer a comprehensive inspection to weigh the pros and cons of repair versus replacement. We focus on providing a solution that combines financial feasibility and time efficiency.

Quality and Reliability: The Major League Roofing Promise

With Major League Roofing, you’re not just getting a roof; you’re gaining peace of mind. Our process is consistent and quality-driven, overseen by managers who ensure the highest standards. Unsure about your choices? We’ve got a comprehensive guide on 31 types of roof shingles for you.

Common Causes of Residential Roof Failure

Understanding what leads to roof failure is crucial. Here are some common causes:

  • Mature Tree Branches: These can damage your roof and encourage mold growth.
  • Improper Water Shedding: Issues like clogged gutters can lead to significant damage.
  • Heat and Poor Ventilation: This can damage your roof from the inside.
  • Chimney and Plumbing Vent Flashing Issues: Incorrect installation can lead to leaks and damage.
  • Satellite Sway and Clogged Gutters: These can cause physical damage and water buildup.
  • Wind Damage: Loose shingles can lead to water infiltration.

Leak? It Might Not Mean a Total Replacement

Not every leak signifies a need for total roof replacement. Our experienced team will guide you through the necessary repairs, limiting them to the damaged areas. However, in cases of extensive damage, a complete replacement might be the best course of action. We’re committed to walking you through every step, ensuring you make the most informed decision for your home.

Major League Roofing: Your Partner in Roof Health

At Major League Roofing, we offer annual inspections at no cost, aiming to keep your roof in peak condition. If we find issues, we’ll document them and discuss your options, whether it’s minor repairs or a full replacement. Trust us to provide the best solutions for your home in Plano and beyond.